5 Easiest Ways to Clean Burnt Pots and Pans

If you have faced the pain of scorching your favorite pan, then there’s no need to worry now. We have found the perfect solutions to clean the burnt pots and pans with household items, that too in just a few minutes. These cleaning hacks will restore the beauty of your pots and pans and can be used as many times as required.

How to Clean Burnt Pans

1 – How to Clean a Burnt Pan with Salt

Cleaning your burnt pan with salt might have never crossed your mind. But, salt can be one of the most effective ingredients in getting rid of those stubborn stains.

The process takes a few hours but gets rid of the burnt stains and residue with minimal effort. This hack will also save your money spent on purchasing different cleaning chemicals to get rid of the stains.


  • 3-4 tablespoons of salt. The quantity can vary depending upon the size of your pan
  • Water (depending upon the size, again).
  • Baking Soda. This will get rid of all the residual charred ingredients on your pan.


1 – Fill half of your pan with water and add 3-4 tablespoon of salt in the pan.

2 – Now leave the solution for a few hours. This would help in getting rid of those stubborn scorched ingredients.

3 – After this, boil the solution and you would witness the charred ingredients coming off the pan.

4 – Now wash the pan as usual and use a scouring pad for this purpose to get rid of remaining stains.

Once you are done with cleaning your burnt pan with salt, you would have a sparking pan that you would love!

2 – How to Clean a Burnt Pan with Vinegar

The properties of vinegar make it one of the most effective items when it boils down to cleaning burnt pots and pans. The availability and ease of use make it one of the top choices when it comes to cleaning scorched pans.



1 – Pour 1 cup of water in your pan so that it covers the bottom layer of the pan and put the pan on a stovetop.

2 – Now add 1 cup of vinegar and bring the solution to boil.

3 – As the temperature would start to rise, you would notice that the scorched stains would start coming off.

4 – After this, empty your pan and sprinkle 2 tablespoons of baking soda on the surface. This would loosen up any remaining stubborn charred ingredients on your pan.

5 – Empty the pan and give it a good scour to get rid of any remaining stains.

Additional tip: If there are any scorched stains left after this procedure, make a paste by mixing baking soda and water and apply this paste onto the stains. Let it settle for a few hours and you’ll have a perfectly clean pan.

You can use the same tip to clean burnt grease on the bottom of your frying pans as baking soda acts as an abrasive and will leave no stains behind!

3 – How to Clean Burnt Pans With Dryer Sheets

This tip is so easy that you’ll start doubting its effectiveness. The dryer sheets are used for lots of different purposes and hacks. However, using dryer sheets to clean burnt pans will not only save you a lot of effort but it will also save you a lot of time and money.



1 – First, pour soap dish soap and spread it at the bottom of your pan.

2 – Now pour some hot water into the pot or pan so that there is a thin layer of water.

3 – After this, put a dryer sheet into the pan and make sure it is underneath the water.

4 – Wait for an hour. You’ll notice the scorched with come off the surface.

5 – Empty the pan and clean any remaining stains with a dryer sheet, they will come off easily.

6 – Congratulations! Now you have a perfectly clean and sparkling pan.

4 – How to Clean Your Scorched Pan With Coke

The phosphoric acid in Coke makes it a perfect cleaner for your burnt pans. A spare can of Coke can save you a lot of hassle and scrubbing.



1 – Pour Coke in your pan so that it covers the bottom of your pan (pour some more Coke if the scorched stains are present on the sides of the pan too).

2 – Now leave the Coke for an hour or two.

4 – Empty the pan once you feel the stains have loosened up.

3 – Use a scourer to get rid of the scorched stains as they’ll come off easily now.

5 – Cleaning Scorched Pans With Alka Seltzer

This is the most common effervescent that is also effective against scorched stains. The ease, availability, and price of Alka Seltzer can make it the perfect choice for you.



1 – Pour some hot water in your scorched pan and leave it for a minute or two.

2 – Now add two tablets of Alka Seltzer and leave it for an hour or two. This would breakdown the stains, making it easier to clean.

3 – Empty the pan and use a scouring pad to get rid of the residual.

4 – This method would also help to restore the lost sparkle of your pots and pans.

Choose any of these five cleaning methods for your scorched pans and you’ll have a clean pan with minimal effort. Now, this is no need to visit the stores and spend money every time you have a scorched pan.

You can also opt for ceramic frying pans. The ceramic coating on these pans makes them non-stick and less prone to scorched stains. Also, they are easier to clean as compared to normal pans thus, less hassle.

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How to clean burnt pans

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